in beauty

In Beauty: Rose

Saturday 29 April 2017

In Beauty: Rose

Saturday 29 April 2017

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Natural ingredients have been known in beauty for ages and we can't deny - they masks work. There's one ingredient which is not only one of the most powerful natural ingredient with a nice scent but it's also a symbol of beauty. Roses for ages has been symbols of virginity, love and beauty and for ages, they were the inspiration for artists and pharmacists.

In Beauty: Green Tea

Saturday 11 March 2017

In Beauty: Green Tea

Saturday 11 March 2017

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When I was living in Hungary I couldn't understand why people around me drank pure water or a juice late at night. For me, it was really strange because in Poland and in Germany I always got my tea served couple times per day. Now when I'm older I enjoy every type of tea but today I'm going to focus on green tea and how it works for our skin.

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 4

Friday 3 March 2017

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 4

Friday 3 March 2017

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It's been a long time since the last post from this series - because you have to wait for the 4th part I've decided to show you more ingredients this time and end this series, but don't be scared - I've got something new planned. This time we're going to talk about ingredients such as propolis, rice, snail mucin, soybean and syn-ake.

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 3

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 3

Wednesday 2 November 2016

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Jakiś czas temu stworzyłam dwa posty z serii „Short Dictionary Of Korean Ingredients”, teraz powracam do Was z kolejną częścią. Troszkę mieliśmy odpoczynku do koreańskiej kosmetyki, ale mam nadzieje, że ta część przypadnie Wam do gustu jak i pozostałe dwie. Tym razem zaczniemy z bardzo popularnym końskim olejem a zakończymy na owocu, który z Koreą nie jest w ogóle kojarzony czyli papają.

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 2

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Short Dictionary Of Korean Natural Ingredients In Cosmetics Pt. 2

Wednesday 21 September 2016

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W poprzednim poście z tej serii poznaliśmy wiele nieznanych jak i bardzo znanych składników - niektóre znajdziemy głównie w koreańskich kosmetykach, inne są bardzo mocno obecne w przemyśle kosmetycznym. Po arbutynie, bija i kamelii przyszedł czas na kolejną część krótkiego słowniczka składników wykorzystywanych w koreańskich produktach kosmetycznych.
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