
How do I take photos of skincare products? | #texturetuesday

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

How do I take photos of skincare products? | #texturetuesday

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Commleaf Skin Relief Moisture Cream Texture

#texturetuesday is one of my favourite on Instagram. It's artistic even if it makes my heart cry a lot when I see smudged lipstick or other hurtful images. Texture photos are not just about a product, and a fresh concept, sometimes great shots need more than just an idea. I've been working as a photographer for two years, and today I'll share with you my tiny #texturetuesday secrets. 

Foreo Luna Fofo - brush & skin analyzer in one. Does it really work?

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Foreo Luna Fofo - brush & skin analyzer in one. Does it really work?

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Foreo Luna Fofo BIA Skin Analyzer and Cleansing Brush

I had a small break from blogging - it's exam season so I had no choice than limit everything (including sleep) to pass all the exams well. During this time my skin freaked out a lot - oily & combo skin reacts to stress and emotions more than dry skin. Hopefully, during this time I wasn't alone with my skin, even if I spend a couple hours daily on skin treatments - thanks to my field of education, I needed a product to fill the gap in my skincare. When I dropped out of my job I got myself Foreo Luna Fofo - an intelligent cleansing brush with a skin analysis mode as a gift. But do you really need a cleansing brush and what does it do? Is Foreo Luna Fofo different from other Foreo brushes? Can it be a cheaper substitute for Wayskin Device?

Get to know your skin better - Wayskin Skin Analyzer Review

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Get to know your skin better - Wayskin Skin Analyzer Review

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Wayskin Skin Analyzer Skin Analysing Tool Beauty Companion Wearable Beauty Device

For a couple of last years, we can clearly see some growth in popularity of cleansing brushes and beauty devices. I've heard about Wayskin Skin Analyzer over a year ago - accidentally, I was searching for Korean beauty apps and that's how I've found Wayskin - a small skin analyzer, a wearable beauty device which collects data to help you with your daily skincare routine.

ENG/PL Cosmetic App Tutorial - HwaHae

Saturday, 30 April 2016

ENG/PL Cosmetic App Tutorial - HwaHae

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Ostatnio sporą popularnością cieszą się azjatyckie kosmetyki - nasz rynek przeżywa istne boom pod tym względem. Firmy nie tylko decydują się na tworzenie swoich sklepików online i stacjonarnych, ale również wielkie koncerny, które posiadają swoje sklepy na całym świecie wprowadzają w swoje oferty azjatyckie marki takie jak Tonymoly w sieciach sklepów-drogerii Sephora. A co powiecie na koreańską aplikację, która pozwoli nam sprawdzić czy produkt będzie odpowiedni dla naszej skóry?

* This post contains English translation *

Fotograficzne czary mary prosto z Azji, czyli MeituPic.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Fotograficzne czary mary prosto z Azji, czyli MeituPic.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Kilka lat temu przypadkiem na portalu instagram znalazłam zdjęcie z bardzo ciekawym i nietypowym filtrem. Tak poznałam aplikację MeituPic, która wtedy miała nazwę Meitu XiuXiu i na darmo było szukać jej bez chińskiej klawiatury w telefonie. Pomyślałam sobie, że skoro posiadam kilka zdjęć, które wymagają poprawki to podejmę ryzyko i opiszę ją Wam a przy okazji pokażę jak aplikacje na telefon potrafią ułatwić życie nie wyciągając nam pieniędzy z kont czy portfeli. 

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