Korea Love: My K-beauty Valentine's Day Picks! | Innisfree, Meldvici, Swanicoco, Troiareuke & Whamisa

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Korea Love My favourite K-beauty korean beauty skincare products Whamisa Troiareuke Meldvici Swanicoco Innisfree Kherblog Hushaaaabye Blackliner Okiem Justyny Mazgoo I Love Dots Interendo

It's Valentine's Day time around the corner and let's say that I'm done with relationships - all the shop are trying to force me in buying new stuff for that occasion but wait I'm single AF so what's better than just spend Valentine's Day with skincare. I've teamed up with a group of polish beauty bloggers to share with you my platonic relationships - all my kbeauty faves.

Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum
Camelia Sinensis is one of my favourite ingredients in cosmetics so it's obvious that this serum has to be in my kbeauty favourites! It's a lightweight moisturizer ideal for acne-prone & oily skin. Just to mention - this serum is one of the most popular Innisfree products.
Read the full review of Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum
Where to get it: Stylekorean* | Innisfree

Meldvici XX Deep Emulsion**
This brand is quite new and they have limited number of the product (at the moment the Meldvici line contains only 2 products) but XX Deep Emulsion is my lifesaver! I had really dry skin in January and I needed a delicate moisturizer - Meldvici did the best job, it's ideal for sensitive skin!
Read the full review of Meldvici XX Deep Emulsion
Where to get it: Meldvici | RareBeautyMarket

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream
A cream which lasts for a long time, it's like a bottomless pit! Innisfree knows how to make a good eye cream! It might not be the answer to my eye care problems (I work long hours in front of computer and paper so I need a good moisturizer) but it still does more than other products I've tried before.
Read the full review of Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream
Where to get it: Stylekorean* | Innisfree

Korea Love My favourite K-beauty korean beauty skincare products Whamisa Troiareuke Meldvici Swanicoco Innisfree Kherblog Hushaaaabye Blackliner Okiem Justyny Mazgoo I Love Dots Interendo

Swanicoco FGF 99% Pure Ampoule**
This is the best product I've ever tried! FGF is a peptide which speeds up the healing process, I always like to think and explain how peptides work on the computer as an example - peptides are more intelligent than we expect, they know where the problem is so they can focus and quickly fix the problem.
Read the full review of Swanicoco FGF 99% Pure Ampoule
Where to get it: Beautytap

Whamisa Olive Mist
The whole magic of Whamisa's products is in the fermentation process. Fermentation process makes the ingredients easier to absorb by the skin. Olive Mist is not only looking nice, it smells nice and it's an ideal mist for acne-prone & oily skin.
Read the full review of Whamisa Olive Mist
Where to get it: Stylekorean* | Whamisa

Troiareuke Acsen Selemix Serum**
I had no expectations from this product but it turned out to be a nice companion to my acne-prone skincare Acsen series is focus on acne & sensitive skin and it's the answer to my skin problems.
Read the full review of Troiareuke Acsen Selemix Serum
Where to get it: Stylekorean*

These are my favourite Kbeauty products which make my skincare easier every day.

Don't forget to visit and share some love with amazing Kbeauty & Asian Beauty bloggers who took part in this series of posts:

And what's your platonic skincare/makeup love?

*** This post contains affiliate links(*), products with (**) after the name are Gifted/PR Gifted ***

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