
Hanyul Pure Artemisia Watery Calming Cream Review | Meet the most popular skincare ingredient of 2019 - Mugwort/Artemisia

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Hanyul Pure Artemisia Watery Calming Cream Review | Meet the most popular skincare ingredient of 2019 - Mugwort/Artemisia

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Herbs are a part of cosmetology I like the most, they have long stories - usually related to traditional medicine in different countries and sometimes they even have their own legends. Mugwort - the most popular ingredient of the year 2019, at least in South Korea brands are releasing products inspired by Artemisia with a speed of light. One of the Artemisia-influenced products is Hanyul Pure Artemisia Watery Calming Cream, I couldn't say no to it after my good response to the Hanyul's Yuja series. Is Artemisia (or Mugwort) really an ingredient you need in your stash?
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