1 year of blogging, February Skincare + Giveaway

Saturday 25 February 2017

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February is always an unproductive month for me - it's a month when I feel low and nothing good is happening to me, a year ago this horrible month ended up with me starting a blog on 29th of February... amazing date, the first post was posted couple days after this date. I've started this blog as a lifestyle blog but I have focused mostly on beauty. That's why today I want to show you my favourite products and tell you couple words on what am I planning to do this year on kherblog.

Honestly, I've been blogging for over 10 years, I had some breaks between blogs but this one has a mission - my mission is to share with you information with might help you but it also has to help me not to forget languages. I've started this blog on February 29th and the date was a joke - we still have 3 years of blogging before this blog turns 1! That's why the first post was released later. I've started to blog in polish because it seems to be easier for readers then I've added English language version - just to mention, all the post are written in English and then I translate them into Polish. Everything started from one simple thing - a year ago I've decided to finally cure my skin and change something in my life. Maybe my life still sucks, but I can say that I was doing something instead of having an existential crisis for the entire time. Usually, in this point girls are changing their hair colour - I had to go back to writing. It's been a long year, I met a lot of amazing people through this blog and I hope next year will be as good or even better than this year.

My favourite products
I've decided, to sum up, this year of blogging with showing you my favourite products of this year. Don't be scared! This list is going to be quite small because even if I've tested a lot of products I still only couple of my favourites which I've decided to repurchase.

1. Korres Wild Rose Oil - When I've started to care more about my skin I have found this product on Sephora.com, it just looked like a product from a fairytale, I quickly felt in love with this product and brand, mostly because the brand has a good product description and if you have an allergy like me you can find useful information on their page and product packaging. Thanks to this product my skin became brighter and even my grandma was surprised how well my skin looks now.

2. April Skin Magic Snow Cushion Black - I had an occasion to test this product in collaboration with BBCosmetic, I have picked this product accidentally, I haven't even checked the opinions about it and from this time it's my favourite makeup product. I'm testing the new version right now and I'm going to compare both versions soon.

3. Chica Y Chico Tota-S 3.0 - Last but not least product on my list. My acne right now is not as bad as it used to be but hormonal/cystic acne became my biggest problems. I know that many boys and girls are using isotretinoin - a retinoid, related to vitamin A - in my case this substance is forbidden due to health issues. If you have the similar condition then I really recommend you using this product, it contains Totarol and Centella - both are good for acne skin.

February Routine
I was so scared that this post might be boring for you that's why I've decided to add couple words about my February routine this time, I've made a lot of changes but before I will be able to tell you more about new products I still need couple weeks because pigmentation issues needs longer treatment. Almost every product needs 28 days to see the real results on how does it really work on your skin. With acne scars and pigmentation it might take couple months so probably the first results will be known in 1-2 months. I can already tell you that my skin became brighter through all this year.

Morning Routine
Cleanser: Bioderma Sensibio H2O/Bioderma White Objective H2O
Toner: Rival De Loop Clean&Care Toner
Essence: SVR Hydraliane Essence
Vitamin C: By Wishtrend Pure Vitamin C 21.5 Advanced Serum
Serum: Innisfree Green Tea Serum
Lotion: Innisfree Bija Trouble Lotion
Cream: Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Cream
Spot Treatments: Klairs Blue Midnight Cream/Chica y Chico Tota-S 3.0

Evening Routine
1st cleanser - oil based: Banila Co Clean It Zero Radiance
2nd cleanser - water based: Clinique Liquid Facial Soap/Klairs Rich Moist Facial Soap
AHA/BHA: Alpha-H Liquid Gold With Glycolic Acid
Essence: SVR Hydraliane Essence
Serum: Innisfree Green Tea Serum
Sheet Masks: Labiotte Marryeco Aqua Shine Mask with Bearberry, Neogen WYT Oxygen AHA BHA Bubble Peeling Mask, By Wishtrend Natural Vitamin 21.5 Enhancing Sheet Mask, Benton Snail Bee High Content Mask
Oil: Korres Wild Rose Oil
Cream: Klairs Rich Moist Cream
Spot Treatment: Klairs Blue Midnight Cream/Chica y Chico Tota-S 3.0

Plans for this year?
My plans for this year is to make more, useful post - not only about beauty but I can tell you that I'm already planning another post about ingredients in beauty, I would also like to know what you want to see here. I've got my little plan on a post but maybe you want to see something else. I would also like to go back to video editing so I'm thinking about making a youtube channel but the problem is that my accent - no matter if I speak Polish, English, Russian or Italian - sounds weird and I'm still planning what should I do about it. Let me know in the comments what do you think about this idea and I hope you'll stay with me in my blogging journey for a longer time.

I was thinking for a long time about this giveaway. Remember how I told you this month about Skin79 Hand Cream Set with cute cat design? This time I've got 2 of these sets for you. Because giveaways are illegal in Poland - a country where I'm currently living and looks like I'm going to stay here for a longer time - I have to make it in a form of contest. This giveaway is open to my "followers" so you have to follow this blog on GFC and answer one short question "What would you like to see more on this blog?". You have the whole month to take part in this contest - 26.02.2017-31.03.2017. This giveaway is open for all of you - so no matter where you live you can take part in it!
I’ll be glad if you could share information about this contest. You can also follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, Bloglovin or Instagram. If it’ll be too hard to choose one answer I’ll be checking these „media” to get some help from them. Here’s a form which you need to fill if you want to take part in this giveaway and send to me, here’s a link to this form in case if it won’t load on a page. But before that I recommend you to read rules of this contest.

1. The organiser of this contest is an author of the blog www.kherblog.com
2. This contest is made for the followers of www.kherblog.com
3. This contest is open only for people over 18 years old. There are no restrictions if it comes to your place of residence.
4. All you need to do is to make this simple task - you have to answer one question: What would you like to see more on this blog?
5. You’ve got a full month to take part - this contest is open from 26.02.2017 to 31.03.2017. Results will be available in 14 days from the last day of the contest and they will be published on kherblog and on facebook.
6. There are two prices available - two Skin79 hand cream sets.
7. I’ll send you a prize in 14 days, I also want to highlight that I’m not responsible for the post in case if there are going to be any delays or problems from the post.
8. You have to send me an e-mail with a shipping address in 3 days from published results, if I won’t get your response, I’ll have to find another winner.
9. Now I just need to copy this law „jabber” about contests in Poland if I want this contest to be legal: Organizator oświadcza, że konkurs nie jest grą losową, loterią fantową, zakładem wzajemnym ani loterią promocyjną, których wynik zależy od przypadku (przeprowadzenia losowania) w rozumieniu Art. 2 ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 1992 r. o grach losowych i zakładach wzajemnych (Dz.U. z 2004 r. Nr 4, poz. 27 z późn. zm.)

Thank you for this year and I hope that you'll stay here with me for a longer time. I also can't wait to hear what you want to see here. Let me know in the comments if you've got any questions to me.


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  26. No to gratulację pierwszych urodzin!
    18 lutego minęło 5 lat odkąd ja prowadzę bloga. ;)


  27. Gratulacje z okazji roczku (tego bloga :D)! Jestem niezmiernie ciekawa co wymyślisz na bieżący rok, ale najbardziej życzę, żeby blog przynosił Ci rozwój i radość – toż to o to w tym wszystkim chodzi najbardziej! :) Choć czasem i innych impulsów potrzeba do szczęścia i takowych również bardzo Ci życzę ;)
    Co do youtuba – ja tam wolę czytać ;) Ale nie wierzę w to, że Twój głos brzmi dziwnie (choć mi też się tak zawsze wydaje) :D

    1. Dziękuje :) Bardziej chodzi o akcent, nie raz zaciągnę lub użyję słowa, które wydaje mi się bardziej logiczne, a które nie zawsze jest po polsku :)

  28. These products look really great! Wonderful review!

  29. Congrats for your blog dear!


  30. oj dla mnie luty tez jest takim miesiącem z dupy dlatego na maksa się cieszę, że już się kończy :D <333

    powodzenia wsyztskim

  31. Niestety nie znam żadnego z wymienionych przez ciebie kosmetyków :)

  32. Wolę czytać niż oglądać - tak mi lepiej. :-)
    Gratuluje roczku :-_
    Życzę powodzenia w dalszym pisaniu i życiu :-)

  33. A ja bym chciała taki filmik obejrzeć, bo bardzo jestem ciekawa o jakim akcencie piszesz :) Gratulacje roczku. Pozdrawiam :)

  34. a ja w sumie za yt jestem za :D
    lubię sobie puścić takie rzeczy i słuchać co mają ludzie do powiedzenia robiąc inne rzeczy :D

  35. Powodzenia w realizacji planów :)

  36. Chętnie wzięłam udział.

  37. Oh yes this vanilla set is really cute =)

    Great post, congrats to one year blogging =). This handcreams are so beautiful *-*

  38. Blog stworzyłaś w mitycznym dniu i pewnie wyniki podasz w Prima Aprilis? :D
    I tak biorę udział :)

  39. też bloguję około 10 lat, chyba trochę ponad, trzymaj tak dalej!:)
    te kremy z kotami skradły mi serce, bez sensu kupić produkt tylko ze względu na opakowanie, ale trudno mi się powstrzymać

  40. Tak z innej beczki nieco, zauważyłam, że luty ma to do siebie, że siły witalne nas opuszczają i człowiek staje się taki... powolny, ospały, bezproduktywny.

  41. Very interesting information) thanks for sharing)

  42. Przesłodkie te kotki! :)

  43. Ja zdecydowanie wolę czytać nic oglądać, ale fajna odskocznia od codzienności i z miłą chęcią obejrzę!
    Ja najbardziej uwielbiam czytać o kosmetykach.. o tych, które polecasz, które absolutnie odradzasz.. kosmetyki to raj! Ale też ciekawią mnie różne Twoje przygody w życiu, jakieś śmieszne sytuacje, doświadczenia ale uwielbiam też przemyślenia na różne np. kontrowersyjne tematy!;)
    Obserwuje na fb jako: Roksana Mądry
    a Instagram jako: @najwidoczniej

  44. Omg I want that set so much! It's super cute :D


  45. Your blog is amazing! Thank you for this great giveaway <3
    The Fancy Cats | BB CREAM Giveaway

  46. Congratulations. I am following you. I hope you follow my blog too.

  47. Super wyglądają te kocie kremiki :)

  48. Gratuluję roczka, kochana! Życzę kolejnych owocnych lat 😘😘😘

  49. Congrats on your first year, time flies by so quickly! <3 <3

  50. Najsłodsze opakowania jakie widziałam<3 kocham kotki i Twoje zdjęcia:D

  51. tWÓJ BLOG JEST SWIETNY, Masz wpisy o nietuzinkowych kosmetykach.Brawo,dopiero co Cie odkrylam i zostaje juz tutaj.

  52. Co chciałabym tu częściej widzieć? Uwielbiam jak piszesz o kosmetykach, ponieważ bardzo się do tego przykładasz są to dokładne i rzetelne wpisy. Jednak chciałabym zobaczyć tutaj Twojo buziu, tutorial make-upowy, jak przygotowujesz się do zrobienia wpisu.

  53. życzę Ci sukcesów w blogowaniu i oby był olejny rok :*

  54. Gratulacje z okazji pierwszego roczku i życzę wielu kolejnych lat :*

  55. Gratuluję rocznicy, super że prowadzisz blog w 2 językach.

  56. Zgłoszenie poszło ;) Hah, ja ponad 10 lat w blogosferze! Przybij piątkę, ładny mamy staż ;) Życzę powodzenia i rozwoju tego bloga :)

  57. the pack the cats are so cute

  58. Congratulations for your anniversary~

  59. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to see you on Youtube, I don't mind about the accent, I think is lovely to hear different accents ^^

  60. Nie znam kosmetyków, które tu wymieniłemwymieniłaś.
    Ciekawy konkurs:)

  61. Congrats on 1 year blogging :D i'd love to see a skincare routine for acne prone skin, seven layer of toner tip, and skincare tips


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