
Things I wish I knew when I started my skincare routine + GIVEAWAY

Friday 2 March 2018

Things I wish I knew when I started my skincare routine + GIVEAWAY

Friday 2 March 2018

Things I wish I knew when I started my skincare routine innisfree meldvici whamisa laneige

It's been two ages since I've started to focus on my skincare more than before, I mostly use Korean beauty products and I can admit I made lots of skincare mistakes during my whole skincare journey. I want to share with you some tips which might help you and which I wish I knew before I started my routine. Even if your routine is ready and it works for you grab a tea and take some time to read these tips - maybe you'll find something for you.

Changes & Giveaway 10.06.2017 - 10.07.2017

Saturday 10 June 2017

Changes & Giveaway 10.06.2017 - 10.07.2017

Saturday 10 June 2017

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I must admit that sometimes I need to take a break from blogging due to my work that's why I'm not as active as I was before. On the other hand, I have found a new motivation for blogging and for my work. I want to change my current job position so I'm studying a lot and I like to use this knowledge also on the blog or IG. That's why I'm back with another giveaway and I want to share some of my plans with you.

May update & Giveaway results

Friday 26 May 2017

May update & Giveaway results

Friday 26 May 2017

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I'm probably the worst skincare blogger if it comes to my routine updates - I had a time when I did some skincare routine updates or beauty news & finds. So finally it's time for a more relaxing post to share with you some news. This time I'll share with you some news from Klairs, A'Pieu, Nature Republic and some of my current non-beauty obsessions.

101 Face Masks + Giveaway

Tuesday 18 April 2017

101 Face Masks + Giveaway

Tuesday 18 April 2017

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One day I've decided to check all my wardrobe where I keep all my beauty products - I've ended up with about 50 different face masks - from various sheet masks, through clay mask to the lip and sleeping masks. I've decided to show you some types of masks and tell you more about them. This post is a beginning of the series related to face masks - homemade and the one which you can find at the shop.

1 year of blogging, February Skincare + Giveaway

Saturday 25 February 2017

1 year of blogging, February Skincare + Giveaway

Saturday 25 February 2017

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February is always an unproductive month for me - it's a month when I feel low and nothing good is happening to me, a year ago this horrible month ended up with me starting a blog on 29th of February... amazing date, the first post was posted couple days after this date. I've started this blog as a lifestyle blog but I have focused mostly on beauty. That's why today I want to show you my favourite products and tell you couple words on what am I planning to do this year on kherblog.

Winter Giveaway 12.11.2016-12.12.2016

Friday 11 November 2016

Winter Giveaway 12.11.2016-12.12.2016

Friday 11 November 2016

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Zima nadchodzi, więc to chyba najlepszy czas na rozgrzanie atmosfery konkursem (albo jak to niektórzy nazywają „rozdaniem”) - bez względu na to czy mieszkasz w Polsce, w Europie czy gdziekolwiek indziej, tym razem będę wysyłać paczkę zagranicę. Ale najpierw zacznijmy od informacji o tym jak wziąć udział w konkursie, co musicie zrobić, aby wygrać oraz przede wszystkim co możecie wygrać.
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