Changes & Giveaway 10.06.2017 - 10.07.2017

Saturday 10 June 2017

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I must admit that sometimes I need to take a break from blogging due to my work that's why I'm not as active as I was before. On the other hand, I have found a new motivation for blogging and for my work. I want to change my current job position so I'm studying a lot and I like to use this knowledge also on the blog or IG. That's why I'm back with another giveaway and I want to share some of my plans with you.

What do I want to change?
I feel like every change is good - even if it's bad, I can learn something new from it. Last week for me was pretty hard, I literally said at my work that I don't give a fuck anymore. I feel like I'm doing more than I'm getting paid. I just got a chance for another job related to a graphic design and due to this "change", I had to spend 2 days on making icon design and taking photos of flowers and nature to have some material to work on. I hope that someday I'll be able to share with you some knowledge related to my current work but I also found that I want to make more balanced content. If you follow kherblog for a long time then for sure you already saw my love to herbs and natural ingredients. It's been over 7 months since I've dropped out of medical school, right now my current studies are related to nature and landscape architecture. I want to mix all that stuff to make something new and I hope that you'll support me in these changes.

I wanted to post this giveaway before but I had really hard times in finding an ideal price. Because the winner of the previous giveaway forgot to send me an e-mail and lots of submissions were fake = they were some "blank" submissions or some people added their submissions more than once, I've decided that I'll get couple more items and make once big price this time, I think it's fairer this way.

This time you can participate twice in this giveaway - through and

How to take part in the giveaway on
As always - all the submissions are going through google forms - it's probably the safest way. All you have to do is answer the question - What's your favourite skincare product or skincare ingredient and why?. Obviously, this contest is open to the followers. I would appreciate if you could share this post with your friends. Remember to take a part in this giveaway through instagram too.

1. The organiser of this contest is an author of the blog
2. This contest is made for the followers of and
3. This contest is open only for people over 18 years old. There are no restrictions if it comes to your place of residence.
4. All you need to do is to make this simple task - you have to answer one question: What's your favourite skincare product or skincare ingredient and why?
5. You’ve got a full month to take part - this contest is open from 10.06.2017 to 10.07.2017.
6. There are two ways in taking part in this giveaway - through Kherblog and through betweendots on Instagram, in general - you can participate twice in this giveaway - through both of the platforms.
7. Results will be available in 14 days from the last day of the contest and they will be published on kherblog and on @betweendots.
8. There is only one price - Makeup Revolution Renaissance Palette Night, a set of sheet masks (2), Bioderma Cleansing Gel, Cat headband, Bielenda face mask & samples.
9. I’ll send you a prize in 14 days, I also want to highlight that I’m not responsible for the post in case if there are going to be any delays or problems from the post.
10. You have to send me an e-mail with a shipping address in 3 days from published results if I won’t get your response - the price will be added as a part of the price in the next giveaway.
11. Now I just need to copy this law „jabber” about contests in Poland if I want this contest to be legal: Organizator oświadcza, że konkurs nie jest grą losową, loterią fantową, zakładem wzajemnym ani loterią promocyjną, których wynik zależy od przypadku (przeprowadzenia losowania) w rozumieniu Art. 2 ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 1992 r. o grach losowych i zakładach wzajemnych (Dz.U. z 2004 r. Nr 4, poz. 27 z późn. zm.)

I also encourage you to check Instagram giveaway.

I hope that you've enjoyed this giveaway. Thank you for your support and I hope to see you in a next post related to lifestyle and skincare.

Don't forget to visit Kherblog on BLOGLOVIN | INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK | PINTEREST.


  1. To świetnie, że nie stoisz w miejscu, nie narzekasz tylko działasz i się rozwijasz :) Życzę Ci realizacji swoich celów!
    Powodzenia dla uczestników konkursu ;)

  2. fajna stronka, zycze powodzenia wszystkim w konkursie!

  3. Najważniejsze aby iść do przodu :* Powodzenia dla Wszystkich :* Buziaki

  4. Działaj, czas i tak upłynie, a Ty przynajmniej nie zmarnujesz szansy :)
    Powodzenia dla biorących udział :)

  5. Też mam wrażenie że za mało zarabiam na to co robię... Z pewnych powodów pracy nie zmienię ale to muszę poczekać jeszcze :)

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you were having a hard time at your job but if you're able to make the switch to a new position, it's definitely a change for the better and I hope things works out for you. Don't worry so much about the blog. Just do it when you can. We'll still be here ;D

  7. Powodzenia w konkursie! Mam nadzieję, że uda Ci się osiągnąć zamierzone cele, to może być mieszanka wybuchowa i zapewnić Ci wiele frajdy :D Architektura + krajobraz + natura + zioła = wow :D

  8. Wpieramy we wszelkich zmianach! O ile są dążeniem do poczucia realizacji ;D Porzucona szkoła medyczna mnie trochę zszokowała i aż zakuło mnie z żalu.. ale rozumiem Cię doskonale.. zanim skończyłam studia zdążyłam rzucić dwa kierunki.. ;D Czekam z ciekawością co wykluje się ostatecznie z Twoich inspiracji ;)
    Ej, ej, a czy Ty masz już swoje portfolio? Graficzne?

  9. Były wyniki?


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