
Let's talk about self-acceptance & appearance

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Let's talk about self-acceptance & appearance

Thursday, 30 March 2017

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As you already know I adore Korean beauty industry but this industry also has its flaws - plastic surgeries are something common and they are normally accepted while having tattoos is consider as controversial. This time Rabble.pl asked me about self-acceptance and changing a natural appearance. I want to share my knowledge about not only the industry, medicine and natural ingredients with you, but I'll also show you my personal experience with self-acceptance and plastic surgeries.

My skin care routine - skin cleansing

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

My skin care routine - skin cleansing

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

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Our face is like canvas, imagine that you're an artist - would you like to work on blank canvas or on dirty ones?It's always easier to work on clean space that's why cleansing is a base for every skincare routine. This time I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about cleansing - from choosing ideal cleanser to new technologies and trends in cleansing.

Let's Talk About Love | With Rabble.pl

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Let's Talk About Love | With Rabble.pl

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

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February is clearly a month of love - magic of Valentine's day. Some of you are probably planning how to spend this day with your significant other, some of you - just like me - are planning to watch or recreate the main scene of Bridget Jones's Diary. No matter if you like Valentine's day or not I hope you'll spend some time to read this post because I'll mention couple important pieces of information related to this topic in some kind.

Winter hair care with Rabble.pl

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Winter hair care with Rabble.pl

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

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Have you ever had a time when you were overthinking everything and you were unable to do anything because you felt so bad? I had that feeling for last couple days and even if I wanted to make a post it all ended up in scraps. That’s why I’ve decided to take rabble’s challenge and make a new post about my winter hair routine - finally, I’ll be able to show you my hair routine based on k-beauty trends which I wasn’t able to make for a long time, because of my problem with overthinking everything.

Autumn sadness? No, thanks!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Autumn sadness? No, thanks!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

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Każdy sezon ma swoje wady i zalety, ale jesień to ten najgorszy sezon - pogoda się zmienia, a znalezienie idealnej i przy okazji ciepłej stylizacji nie jest takie łatwe. Kiedy do tego dodamy szkołę czy pracę oraz mniej godzin światła w ciągu dnia to jesień brzmi bardzo depresyjnie. Rabble zapytało mnie o moje jesienne rutyny ku poprawie humoru, a więc dzisiaj podzielę się z Wami moimi wskazówkami, które pomagają mi przetrwać jesień.

Take Me Away With Rabble.pl

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Take Me Away With Rabble.pl

Saturday, 29 October 2016

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Tym razem Rabble zrobiło kawał dobrej roboty - dali mi idealny temat na wyzwanie w tym tygodniu, ponieważ dosłownie umieram z przepracowania i nie zgadniecie ile razy powiedziałam sobie w ciągu jednego tygodnia „a może pieprzyć to i pojechać w Bieszczady? Albo po prostu zmienić miejsce zamieszkania? Dzisiaj przedstawię Wam kilka moich ulubionych miejsc i kilka miejsc, które chce odwiedzić. Post będzie pełen pięknych miejsc oraz przydatnych wskazówek więc mam nadzieje, że pozostaniecie ze mną w tej przygodzie. Tak więc zapraszam wszystkich na pokład i zaczynajmy!
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