
How to learn a language?

Monday 8 May 2017

How to learn a language?

Monday 8 May 2017

 Read in English       Przeczytaj po polsku

I have to take a little break from all the beauty-related content which took the lead. Even if I enjoy it I feel like May is a special month - lots of things are happening and as always in Europe, we've got an almost one-week long party and God knows why Australia is allowed to take part in it! Yep, I mean it's time for Eurovision. But you know what do I think about Eurovision? It's a good way to get interested in new language! I was asked many times here on the blog for tips on learning a new language so let me share with you this mysterious knowledge.

Superfood For Your Brain, czyli co jeść w czasie nauki

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Superfood For Your Brain, czyli co jeść w czasie nauki

Wednesday 24 August 2016

 Przeczytaj po polsku      Read in English

Czy wiesz, że jedzenie jest ważne dla naszych mózgów? Jedzenie może pobudzić Twój umysł, co może pozytywnie odbić się na Twoich ocenach w szkole. Dzisiaj opowiem Wam o tym po co warto sięgać w czasie nauki, a czego powinniśmy unikać.
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